Second Degree Reiki Course

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Reiki Second Degree Course

Second Degree Reiki Course

Have you taken Reiki first Degree? Do you wish to learn more healing techniques?

Do you wish to learn how to heal your past and be free from emotional and mental baggage so you can live in the present moment and manifest!!

Do you wish to learn how to do distance healing so you can send healing energy to others geographically and don’t always need to be with other people or animals to help them?

Do you want to learn more techniques on how to cleanse yourself of energy and how to protect yourself from energy too!?

If you wish to learn these magical things then my 2 day Reiki second degree course is for you!

This is an in person which takes place in the Kings Norton area, and runs from 9:30am - 4:30pm/5pm on both days

GBP 325
Total due GBP 325

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See you soon!


Susie x