Meditation Bundle from Susie Gessey

Available during January 2023 Only!

Relax, switch off and be cleared of energy you no longer need in this bundle of four of my most popular meditations!

In this bundle, you'll receive:

You Are Supported by Mother Earth

Allow this gentle and powerful 14 minute guided meditation to support you in creating a beautiful place in nature where you are able to relax, take in the beautiful empowering energy of Mother Earth and the Universe and feel incredibly supported, connected, grounded, abundant, peaceful and supported!

You can do, be and achieve ANYTHING when you are supported!
So enjoy the beautiful supportive and empowering energy from this guided meditation.

The Energy Sieve

Would you like some help to clear yourself of this non serving energy?

You can follow this guided meditation exercise where I will teach you how to create an Energy sieve. Then guide you through how to use it to clear yourself! 

You will then be free from this non serving energy and hopefully feel lighter, more vibrant, peaceful and empowered!

The beauty is its so simple! So you can use it daily (especially before you sleep) to feel that you are operating with just your own 'serving energy' and that is SO empowering!

Connecting To The Heart

Allow me to guide you on this guided meditation to the heart centre where you will reconnect with this dear friend and offer healing and comfort to that part of you which is so loving and giving 

Connect to your own inner power and allow yourself to receive any insight and wisdom while in this relaxed and healing space that will enable you to be more empowered and inspired in your daily life

This meditation is one where you may wish to keep going back to, to be guided regularly to that divine part of you that can guide you through life beautifully, supporting you to make better choices and guide you to what serves you and what does not

Enjoy connecting to your beautiful heart 

Cleansing & Healing By The Beach

Allow me to guide you on this guided meditation to a beautiful beach where there is just you, the beautiful golden sands,the gentle waves of the ocean, beautiful blue sky and the sunshine!

Allow yourself to follow my words as we go on a gentle journey of being cleansed by the water as it flows around your feet on the sandy shore, cleansing you of what you no longer need.

And then rest on the beach and receive the beautiful rays of sunlight as they gently and effectively bring restoring, healing energy to all of your cells in your body, your organs, chakras and energy field!

Such a restoring meditation


Susie x 
Meditation Bundle