First Degree Reiki Course

3rd & 4th August 2024

Would you like to learn how to be less stressed?
Be more calm and relaxed?
Take back control of your life?
Be more happy and confident?
To be centred and learn how to give yourself healing?
And give healing to your family, friends and your animals?

If you do then my Reiki First Degree weekend course is for you!

If you do then my Reiki First Degree weekend course is for you!

You will -:

  1. Receive attunements that literally connect you to The Universal Life force energy of Love and Light so you can then channel healing energy from this unlimited source 
  2. Be shown how to create a safe and sacred space to do healing work in
  3. Given a simple phrase to call in the healing energy 
  4. Be taught how to give yourself a healing treatment and the value of doing so
  5. Also be taught how to work with the Power of setting intentions either within healing treatments or to help create a better life!
  6. And how to write letters to The Universe to help you clear non serving emotions and thoughts that may be stopping you being an even more amazing version of yourself 
  7. Then finally you will be taught how to offer someone else a healing treatment 

I only teach small classes so that I can give the best to all on the course 

I always create a lovely relaxed nurturing environment to be in, so encourage you to bring slippers and blankets so you are cosy and comfy.

Questions are always welcome 

Lots of opportunities to practice what I’m teaching you during the 2 days too so you become confident in your new found skills.

If you want to laugh or cry, chat or be silent, then all is fine as this course is all about YOU and YOUR experience learning the first level of how to become a Reiki healer!

I’ve been teaching since 2004 and LOVE empowering people to be happier, more relaxed and more able to create the lives they want and they deserve.

This is a thorough 2 day course, 930am to 430pm and we always have such a wonderful weekend!

All I ask if that following the course you practice working with the healing energy for 30 days. Then after that you will have the ability to channel healing energy for the rest of your life!

I only teach small classes of 8 so please book ASAP to secure your place on a date of your choice as my  Reiki first Degree classes always sell out quickly.

Classes are held in person, in the Kings Norton area, and from from 9:30am - 4:30pm/5pm on both days.

First Degree Reiki Review First Degree Reiki Review (1)

Reiki First Degree Course