More love, Less Bullsh*t

Susie Blog

After a really busy 2021, I scaled back my work load to focus on future plans and begin creating the next steps in my 2022 adventures over the Christmas holiday period, but the universe had other pans...

I woke up on the Wednesday before Christmas, the 22nd December, feeling really poorly, and the same the next day too. I presumed it was just a 24 hour virus or something but nope it was some crazy debilitating flu type virus that lasted over 2 weeks!

I missed all of Christmas!

I still have gifts to give to my Mom, sister and friends as I have not seen anyone… rubbish it that!

And it was rubbish …So I am calling it for what it was….as I had loads of lovely things planned including being creative… but its shown me something very interesting… well shown me a few things really, so I’m sharing with you in case they resonate with you in any way?

Firstly I work far too hard! 

I work long hours and don’t get enough time to rest or sleep or do things I love doing. While I have been poorly I haven’t been able to do much but I have enjoyed resting, sleeping, not looking at the time and having an Epsom salt bath in the middle of the day if I want, and lying on the sofa hugging my woofers while drinking tea and watching a good film. So I intend to work less in 2022 and do more of the things that help me relax AND that bring me joy!

Secondly I take my health for granted! 

Don’t get me wrong I give daily gratitude for my health and do daily prayers and healing on myself too but this illness has made me go right back to basics that I had been skipping. So I am now taking daily herbal supplements and various vitamins. I am buying as much organic food as possible (I even get a lovely weekly organic veg box from a company called Able & Cole that support British farmers now which I love receiving, no plastic and no harmful pesticides and supporting lovely businesses around the UK) and I am cooking food from scratch like I used to. And I’m resting and eliminating as much stress from my life as possible and making myself and my well being my priority.

Thirdly I did NOT miss social media or the internet! 

I haven’t been on Facebook for 2 weeks and I’ve not been checking my emails either and its been SO interesting! I have realised that Facebook does NOT enrich my life! I popped on Facebook yesterday and I didn’t like it at all. So I think I will literally pop on once a day to either do a post or check messages and that will be it. I will obviously still run our lovely group now I am back but the way I interact will now change.

Fourthly I DID miss my animals, my family and my friends!

While I was poorly I was at home and in bed sleeping a lot so I have not seen my horses or chickens, my Mom, my sister or my friends! I am blessed to live with Emelene and my woofers Billy and Daisy so I had company but wow I missed all those I love! So I shall be creating time to catch up with those I love regularly from now on.

Fifth, I have been shown that I have some amazing people in my life! 

So I have been sending out blessings and gratitude for them. The volunteers at the Healing Horse Sanctuary have been outstanding looking after the horses, ponies and chickens as I haven’t been well enough to take care of the animals. My Reiki Teacher apprentices Laura, Claire and Lois have been amazing looking after the Reiki healers group. My family and friends have been regularly checking in on me incase I need any shopping, dogs walked, healing sent, my one friend even popped over with lovely herbal magic medicine for me!

Lastly….. I realised that me being poorly HAS served me!

 As its made me realise what is important and what is not. What I want to do and what I do not. Some things I used to do I wont do at all moving forward and some I will decrease the energy I give to it, and other things that bring me joy I will give heaps of energy to!

And out of it all I did NOT miss computers, emails, social media, video games or TV (not that I watch TV much anyway) or internet shopping or anything that involves technology at all. WHAT I DID MISS WAS LOVING CONNECTIONS! I missed seeing lovely people and animals and having enriching experiences!

So for 2022 I haven’t even written an intentions list yet but I already know what I do want to give my energy to and what I don’t. 

More LOVE and less meaningless bullshit!

more love, less bullshit

I mean life is too short to be spending time doing stuff that either doesn’t serve us or enrich us, bring us joy or peace or nurture our heart and souls. I'm using my Empowerment Cards each day to really help me focus on my own energy.

So I’m on the soul enriching train heading through 2022 and I am not stopping at any non serving stations thank you very much! Being poorly has put so many things in perspective for me and made me realise, know and feel more than ever what IS important in life and what really isn’t.

It really is time to start taking care of ourselves and listening to the messages the universe, and our body,  sends us.  

Nurture those loving connections and be mindful of what we give our energy to...


Susie xxx



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